Astoria park in New York is open 24/7

If you lived in Queens, I am sure you went to Astoria park. It's a beautiful park with full of life. The reason I like Astoria park is cause I always took my girlfriend out to the park. Usually at the end of the date when you just want to hold hands or talk about anything serious you can go to Astoria park. The park offers a long walkway by the bridge and river, basketball court, swimming pool, beautiful green trees and a welcoming environment. It is also protected by park police. I have never seen anyone causing any trouble.

There are also plenty of Greek, Italian and French restaurants few blocks away which makes it an ideal place for dating and hangout. Some people also go to the park at night as it is one of the few parks in New York that is open at night. Astoria park is gorgeous at night since the lights from the Tri-borrow bridge reflects of the river water. Many of the young couples that I know visits the park to take pictures by the water. I must say the pictures in Astoria park turns out to be beautiful.

Driving Direction: 
21 Hoyt Ave N
New York, NY 11102

How to get to Astoria park by train:
The best way to get to Astoria Park by train is to take the N train to Astoria Blvd. As soon as you get out of the train look for a bridge and walk toward the bridge. You will have to walk about 10 small blocks. 

Night View from Astoria Park, NYC

The main park of Astoria

Map of Astoria Park

Picnic Spot of Astoria Park

Riverside Walkaway of Astoria Park


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